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A short Platformer Game in 3D
A simple but complete platform game with 3 levels
A musical game inspired by a reggaeton album called Orion (by Musicologo and Menes)
It is an amusement park located in space, where each song is an attraction
A multiplayer Card Game with NFTs. Build your deck, plan your strategy and claim Newearth for your clan.
Dive into the latest Rifters gameplay. Here, we'll give you a broader look at the card game and hints of things we'll be talking about in the coming months.
Develop a game with the theme of Ridiculous Powers in one week for the Don Pachi Game Jam. In this game you play as a kid that enters in a laboratory and makes a mistake, this mistake cause that the scientist that were there became in food, and somehow the kid acquire powers like throw burguers, a baguette sword and become in jelly.
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